There are so many ways to be involved here.

How are you called to serve?

Altar Guild

On a weekly rotational basis, members of the Altar Guild prepare the church and chapel for regular Sunday services. If you would like to find out more or wish to join us you will be warmly welcomed.

Bible Study

A lively group gets together for enlightening conversation every Wednesday at 10 AM in the Allen Lounge.

Church School

Children enjoy a fun-filled hour of learning about God through Bible stories and lively discussions. We often spend some time crafting, doing science experiments, baking and playing games. We put on a pageant every Christmas and all ages are welcome (from 3-18). The Church School runs from mid-September until the end of May.

Craft Group

A lively group meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month crafting items for sale at our various events, including the Book, Bake and Craft Sale and our popular Christmas Bazaar. The group also handcrafts items for charities.

Gardening Group

Be active, stay healthy and enjoy getting your hands dirty with fellow parishioners. Meet friends who are members of the Pointe-Claire Horticulture Society, enhance your knowledge of plants, gardening techniques, composting and tools. Everyone is welcome! To join us, or for more information, please contact us.


Greeters are on duty for the 9:30 AM service each Sunday. There are two each Sunday: one at each entrance. They welcome everyone, including newcomers, and answer any questions. Each greeter is on duty once a month.

Missions Team

The Missions Team is an active group in several different ways. Memory Muffs for Alzheimer’s patients were made with donated materials and distributed all over the West Island. We donate to Camp Amy Molson to send inner city children to summer camp. Another ongoing Missions project is the knitting of baby blankets to provide a blanket of security to young children facing substantial distress in their lives. The group has also taken over the delivery of towels, toiletries, etc. to St. Michael’s Mission in downtown Montreal and any canned food collected at the church is delivered to the West Island Food Bank for distribution to those in need. Proceeds from other yearly fundraisers are pegged for the Montreal charity Dans La Rue to help teenagers in need.

Parish Choir

The choir of Saint John the Baptist leads the congregational singing at the 9:30 AM Sunday services from September until June. The choir enhances the worship experience through the singing of a variety of anthems, chants and hymns. Rehearsals are held in the church at 7:15 PM on Wednesday evenings.

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain exists to support individuals in the parish through intercessory prayer. Participation is open to any individual in the parish who feels they can spend time in daily prayer on behalf of others in the parish or for friends or relatives. Requests for prayer are completely private and confidential and not to be shared with other members of the congregation. Members of the chain are divided into groups, each with a contact person who will pass on prayer requests received.

Parish Council

All parishioners are invited to participate or simply listen to the monthly council meeting on a Monday evening at 7 PM in the Allen Lounge.


The sidespeople assist in various ways during the Sunday service. Their responsibilities include ensuring the building is secure and functioning correctly; communicating with parishioners, assisting them to their seats if required, and providing the Order of Service bulletin; and correctly documenting the Vestry book.

Women’s Guild

Throughout the year, the Women’s Guild organizes and participates in many fundraising events held at the church. Among these are Book, Bake and Craft Sales, Lenten Lunch, Spring Rummage, Plant Sale, Strawberry Social, Fall Rummage and Christmas Bazaar. We donate to the church, five charities and Camp Amy Molson. We have a lot of fun and we enjoy the teamwork.